
Online Registration will be available soon through the APS site at a slightly reduced rate (until October/25).

To register online please go to the APS Registration Site:

You can also print and mail the registration form PrarieSect-PreReg2013.pdf.

Registration will be also available onsite during the Welcome Reception on Thursday Nov/7, and will continue throughout the meeting.

Registration fees:

Includes reception Thursday evening, coffee breaks on Friday and Saturday.

Regular Participant: $70 (pre-registration), $80.00 (on site).

Students: $35.00 (pre-registration) $40.00 (on site).

School Teachers and Retirees: $30 (pre-registration) $35.00 (onsite).

Friday Evening Banquet: $35.

Pre-registration can be done online at the APS until October/25) -- see URL above.